Justice In Education
Students are not taught the history that is important.

Why Should You Care?

Throughout a childs entire k-12 experience they are only taught the the struggles of people of color in history, and not all of the struggles at that. If history is a required subject why not teach it in it's entirety, including all struggles and success

Image taken from this website.

History teachers do not teach subjects such as Durham's Black Wall Street

In particular, black history is only taught through the very basics of slavery and tragic stories of men and women who fought to free their people. University of Texas professor Kevin Cokely stated that "Oftentimes they [students] are shocked and angered to find they were not taught the information that I am sharing with them."

Image taken from this website.

You Can Make A Change

As a parent, siblling, grandparent or whatever, you wouldn't take a test without knowing everything on it. So why allow others to go through life without knowing the important parts of our history. As much as America values education why is that so many are uneducated in issues that still effect this world today. Head over to the "Take Action" tab to see how you can make a change.

Image taken from this website.